MySMB's SAP trade solution
(tested and qualified by SAP AG)
Beside the general business administration tasks it puts emphasis on the processes of wholesale and retail dealers.
We recommend MySMB's MyTrade SAP solution for those companies that deal with wholesale and retail that:
- do wholesale as a primary activity;
- may have some shops for retailing but don't have a large number of them.;
- usually make business with contracted customers (non public buyers);
- mainly have an order history before serving the customer;
- usually purchase for stock and sell from warehouse
- have clients who pay with wire transfer.
MySMB's MyTrade SAP solution covers the whole wholesaleactivity and supports the financial and controlling functions.
MySMB's MyTrade SAP solution provides:
- support for purchase and stock management;
- support the sale, distribution and transporting;
- mapping of contracts and orders;
- third-party deals, vendor and customer consignations;
- invoicing based on contract, order or cost;
- moving average price and commercial pricing;
- discount, bargain, bonus record keeping;
- direct banking link;
- internet sales;
- efficiency measurement.
The advantages of MySMB's MyTrade SAP solution:
- fast, fine-tuned implementation;
- easy therefore rapidly learnable usage;
- a fully comprehensive training is part of the implementation;
- costs tailored for medium sized companies;
- operation needs no internal IT team;
- a solution rated by SAP AG.