MySMB 's SAP solution for the service industry
Provides a comprehensive solution for the companies in the service industry for project planning, management, execution, settlement.
We recomment MySMB's MyService SAP solution for those companies who:
- base their main activity on service;
- share activities where project management has an important role;
- have contracted customers (non public buyers);
- base their pricing on the service provided
- need a controlling system that can measure all the activities of the company
- would like to measure efficency split for projects.
MySMB's MyService SAP solution covers the whole service activity and supports the financial and controlling functions.
MySMB's MyService SAP solution provides:
- set up of a fully comprehensive project planning;
- mapping of service contracts and orders;
- service based invoicing;
- managment of discounts;
- direct banking link;
- project closing, settlement, evaluation.
Advantages of MySMB's MyService SAP solution:
- fast, fine-tuned implementation;
- easy therefore rapidly learnable usage;
- a fully comprehensive training is part of the implementation;
- costs tailord for medium sized companies;
- operation needs no internal IT team.