MySMB's SAP solution for production
Beside the general business administration tasks it fullfills the specific requirements of the production processes of the manufacturer and fabricating companies.
We recommend MySMB's MyProduction SAP solution for those fabricating companies that:
- base their sales, manufacturing activies on production;
- yearly, monthly, weekly production planning has an important role;
- stock management has a great importance for the production;
- Batch management is a requirement;
- have contracted customers (non public buyers);
- serve their customers from the warehouse on a pre-order base;
- need a controlling system that can measure all the activities of the company.
MySMB MyProduction SAP solution cover the whole production and wholesale process and supports the financial and controlling processes as well.
MySMB's MyProduction SAP solution provides:
- fully comprehensive yearly, monthly planning;;
- the support of the purchase and stock management;
- set-up of batch managment;
- unique and massproduction;
- support of sales, distribution and transporting;
- registration and usage of contracts;
- invoicing based on contract, order or cost;
- moving average price and commercial pricing;
- discount, bargain, bonus record keeping;
- direct banking link;
- communication with mobil electronic tools
- efficiency measurement.
Advantages of MySMB's MyProduction SAP solution:
- fast, fine-tuned implementation;
- easy therefore rapidly learnable usage;
- a fully comprehensive training is part of the implementation;
- costs tailord for medium sized companies;
- operation needs no internal IT team.