SAP solution for technical and work record keeping for repair and maintenance activities
Beside the general business administration tasks it is tuned to best cover the processes of repair and maintenance activities. We recommend MyMaintenance the SAP solution from MySMB to companies that deal with maintaining and/or repairing technical objects that :
- main activity is based on repair but could be linked with production, trade or other services as well;
- sales can be directly linked to repair/maintenance work;
- that have a technical database system that helps the record keeping of the repair/maintenance works;
- yearly, monthly, weekly timing has an important role in the activity;
- material managment is significantly determined by repair requirements;
- need a controlling system that can measure all the activities of the company
The MyMAintenance SAP solution covers the whole technical process and supports the financial and controlling functions.
A MySMB's MyMaintenance solution provides:
- the work up of the technical database of the company;
- fully comprehensive yearly, monthly timed planning;
- the support of the purchase and stock management;
- configuration of work processes and print of workshop papers munkafolyamatok kialakítását és munkalapok készítését;
- registration and usage of contracts;
- invoicing based on contract, order or cost;
- detailed activity list on the invoice enclosure;
- moving average price and commercial pricing;
- discount, bargain, bonus record keeping;
- direct banking link;
- timekeeping and efficiency measurement.
The adventages of MySMB MyMaintenance solution:
- fast, fine-tuned implementation;
- easy therefore rapidly learnable usage;
- a fully comprehensive training is part of the implementation;
- costs tailord for medium sized companies;
- operation needs no internal IT team.